Qualità della potenza miglioramento dei filtri ad armoniche attive AHF trifase 50A 75 A 100 A 150 A 200 A.

Personalizzazione: Disponibile
Tipo: Distribuzione Metering Box
Certificazione: ISO9001: 2000, CCC, ce

Products Details

Informazioni di Base.

Model No.
All Tipo confezionato
Tensione di funzionamento
Bassa Tensione
486*88*504 mm
Gamma di applicazione
correzione del fattore di potenza
Materiale di Shell
custodia rivestita in alluminio-zinco
Shell Grado di protezione
tipo di montaggio
montaggio a parete/su rack
struttura della rete elettrica
3 p3w/3 p4w
livello di rumorosità
<65 db
gamma di compensazione armonica
2~50esimo ordine armonico
efficienza compensazione armonica
> 97%
correzione armonica, compensazione reattiva var
Pacchetto di Trasporto
scatola di legno
Shanghai, China
Codice SA
Capacità di Produzione
20000 pezzi/anno

Descrizione del Prodotto

Power Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200APower Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200A
Active harmonic filters (AHFs/APF) are typically stand-alone devices that reduce the high levels of harmonics produced by energy efficient non-linear loads.They work by injecting harmonics into the electrical system in equal and opposite measure to the existing system harmonics.As previously mentioned, harmonic filters are used to eliminate harmonic distortion caused by excess currents in and out of appliances. It can prevent large quantities of harmonics from causing damage to equipment, downtime of operation, and preventing an increase in operating costs.
Power Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200AThe Active power filter monitors the load current real-time through the external current transformer CT, and extracts the harmonic component of the load current through the internal DSP computing, then sends it through the PWM signal to the internal IGBT, the inverter produces a current equal to the load harmonic and opposite to the harmonic direction and injects the current into the grid to compensate the harmonic current realizing the function of harmonic control.
Power Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200A
Power Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200APower Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200APower Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200APower Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200A
System parameters
Rated input wire voltage
3 8 0 V(-1 5%~+2 0%)
Grid frequency
5 0 / 6 0 H z ( r a n g e : 4 5 H z~6 2 H z)
Number of parallel machines
1 ~ 1 0 s e t s
Overall efficiency
≥9 7%
Grid structure
T h r e e - p h a s e t h r e e - w i r e / t h r e e - p h a s e f o u r - w i r e
Current transformer
1 5 0/5~1 0 0 0 0/5
Circuit topology
T r i - l e v e l
 P e r f o r m a n c e   i n d e x
Response time
<1 5 m s
Scope of compensation
F r o m - 1 t o 1 , c a p a c i t i v e a n d i n d u c t i v e c o n t i n u i t y i s a d j u s t a b l e
Cooling mode
I n t e l l i g e n t a i r c o o l i n g
Noise index
<5 6 d B
Power Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200APower Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200APower Quality Improving Ahf Active Harmonic Filters Three Phase 50A 75A 100A 150A 200A


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